
Viennese Viruses

I don't know if there is something in the supposedly impeccable mountain water that we drink in Vienna, but I feel like I am getting sick here every other week.  I'm eating my fruit and veg (my friend Oliver says 'fruit and veg' with his British accent, and it tickles me to death), I'm trying to sleep enough, I am having a positive outlook on life and my ability to remain healthy, yet I still get colds all the time.  They warned us that we weren't exposed to the Austrian illnesses since they are different strains of viruses or whatever, but I just assumed that I would not be affected.  I idealistically presume that if I decide not to be sick then I won't.  I managed to make that work all week and made it through my rehearsals on Friday, but then I had to cancel my voice lesson yesterday (WHICH I HATE DOING) because I couldn't sing.  Well I could sing to an e or f and then it disappeared.  I don't think that would do if we were going to work on my audition arias...  That's enough about my diva cold and its effect on my life.

Everything is going really well in Wien.  The weather is beautiful, and workshop is in full swing.  I might get to sing in a master class with Linda Watson this wednesday (a Wagnerian soprano who studied in Vienna and knows our director)  if Ian (Papageno) and I can impress Michelle when we run through our scene before the master class.  It would be soooooooo awesome.  I hope we are prepared enough for Michelle, and she says Oh Katy and Ian, you MUST sing for Linda today!  You are amazing!.  I'll wake up now.

I bought some excellent apples at Billa yesterday, and they are rocking my Viennese world.  Waltraud has been gone all weekend, so I've been not wearing clothes and eating apples and watching a lot of BBC television.  My voice teacher ordered me not to do anything this weekend, and I obey.  Her Indian medicine man gave her some recipes that I am supposed to be trying, too.  I did the one with ginger, cayenne pepper, vinegar, and honey, but that is kind of a heinous concoction, so I'm mostly sipping on my ginger tea and thinking happy thoughts.  There is this sort of trashy show on the BBC called The Eastenders that I am kind of intrigued by.   It's like a soap opera at home, except they all have British accents so they automatically seem a little classier to me.

*I wanted to give a shout out to Uncle Roger and Aunt Nancy :-)  I don't have your email addresses, but Grandma and Grandpa said you were reading this and that made me so happy!  This is the only way I know how to say hello to you.  I hope you are doing well, and maybe I'll see you around Christmas when I get back?  Love you!
**Obviously I miss all of you who read my blog.  Even a little more than everyone else.  You are members of an elite group called "People Katy Likes a Little More than Everyone Else Because They Read Her Blog".  So ditto to * for all of you.


  1. gahh! Don't be sick!! :/ I hope your immune system can adjust before your voice suffers too much! Things have been just dandy here. I had to go out and buy a new dress shirt for this wedding over fall break about which I am SUPER excited!!! I also purchased a tom tom gps system as per my father's request.

    Only thing to stress about now is my visit to University of Chicago on Friday, but I think it should be ok.

    Thanks for the update, and keep eatin fruit!! :)

    P.S. I'm getting better at this! I now copy my entire post before attempting to actually post it, in case I am not logged into my wordpress account. And today I wasn't, so the safeguard paid off! Internet fun!!!

  2. Good thinkin'. I wish University of Chicago had an awesome voice program...I would love to be in the city. Have fun! I hope your new dress shirt serves you well. I'm sure you look smashing. Driving in Chicago is a little overwhelming the first time, but after that I don't think it's too bad :-)

  3. Is Österreich deutsch for "ostrich"?

  4. Damn it. Ok, quick explanation. The above comment, the idea for which occurred to me in a glorious epiphany the likes of which I have rarely seen, is posted in two spots on this blog. I mistakenly posted it on the previous blog post at first. When I clicked on the tab for your blog, which I do from time to time, I noticed it wasn't where I thought it was. So I reposted it...and then realized. Needless to say, I am HUMILIATED. And I hope the integrity of my various postings on your wall will not suffer too much as a result. :)

    -robbie foote

  5. Wow. It's really not a big deal, buddy. No worries. I mean everyone else probably thinks you're crazy now, but I know you aren't. And no, Österreich is how you say "Austria" in German. I have no idea how to say ostrich. I am still learning prepositions...maybe they save ostrich for Advanced German.

  6. Whew. thanks. And rest assured, in the future, my hilarious, insightful comments will be posted only once.

    P.S. Oh, but the man must be out of his mind!! I had a dream last night which incorporated the music of Menotti, and the piece has been stuck in my head all morning. :)

  7. I miss you. Though I love reading about your daily life in Austria... I want you to be in Indiana and I want us to go on another crazy adventure.

  8. Amen, sister. I wish you could visit so we could go on a crazy AUSTRIAN adventure! Bah!

  9. I had many sinus infections in der Schwiez when I was singing there in the 70's and the doctor had me make a concoction called Gluehwien. You buy cheap red wine, add the special spices, heat to a simmer and drink before going to bed. I did sleep well!
