
Good Gracious, It's December

Tonight I went to a rehearsal for the opening scene of The Magic Flute.  Now don't worry, folks.  I know I promised to avoid this opera for at least the rest of the semester after Papagena, but I don't feel like I am breaking my promise totally because my role in the scene is MONSTER.  This started out as one of those Hey!  Wouldn't it be funny if Katy was the monster? things and then evolved into a beautiful staging involving me chasing Tamino around the concert room in slow motion while making very exaggerated monster gestures.  It is my great pleasure to look like an idiot.  I'm pretty sure this is going to launch my career in Vienna.  Or at least be really funny.

After they kill me in the scene, I jump up and play piano for the rehearsals.  Tonight I was thinking about all of the homework I have to do as I played a lot of G major scales and dominant tonic dominant tonic chords for the Ladies. Just as we began the Allegretto I suddenly realized something:  I would gladly stay up all night doing homework if it meant that I could sit in that practice room and accompany a Mozart rehearsal.  It is so much fun and worth losing sleep in my opinion.

I can't believe tomorrow is December.  More snow is in the forecast :-)


  1. You have experience being a monster. When you were 3 years old.., and 4, You don't remember but you and I had a test of wills every day at nap time. I bet you still won't take a nap.
