
A New Post to Save Mr.Foote from Spanish Boredom

I have 8 minutes until my coaching with Michelle Friedman.  I'm having a very voice-happy week, and it is rocking my world.  I had a lesson this morning with Elizabeth Bice, and it was way better than the first.  I wasn't freaked out, so I sang better, and she didn't shoot sunshine and rainbows around the room so much so I wasn't worried about that either.  She is a great teacher, and I know she is going to be awesome for my voice and my...self...this semester.  Being in this atmosphere has actually made me feel a lot more connected to music, which is not something I expected at all.  I am really busy, but not every single second of the day, so when I have a little extra time I can do things like listen to Mahler symphonies or PRACTICE PIANO!!!!!!  I missed it so much, and I just played for an hour and a half and feel like a champion of the Klavier.  I have to go sing now.  More later.  I hope this is a little entertaining for you, Robbie.  I know it's not up to my usual standard of hilarity, but I wanted to throw you a bone.  Ciao!


  1. I'll take it! :) I played piano today too! And I obviously don't have voice class (see my previous post), but OOTDH, chamber choir, and chorale are definitely taking their respective tolls on my vooiiiiceee.

    I was a total bum today because I drove to Fort Harrison state park for my internship only to find that both of my supervisors were off for the day, leaving me with nothing to do. So I drove back home, having to take a HUGE detour because of some police barricade, went back to bed, and eventually biked (drove) up to campus to sit outside starbucks and attempt to be productive. My productive yield for that time was sending two emails to graduate schools. I think I will try to visit UChicago over fall break. I'll be in Illinois anyway cause I'm going to a wedding. With Lauren. Lauren Reed. Who I am dating. Not officially my gf, but I think that's an inevitable outcome at this point. :) So that's really exciting. and it makes me happy.

    The time is 2:02 PM. I am lying in bed until I have to get up for chamber choir. And we're singing a PDQ Bach piece. which rocks. Hope you are having/continue to have the time of your life in europa!! Post again sooner next time!!! :)

  2. Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet, here's the video of OOTDH singing the national anthem at the colts game. We didn't go flat AT ALL!!! :)


    and watch the marine carrying out the flag who falls. he's on the 50 yard line. lolz

  3. You sound so happy! Yeah! What do you want for your birthday? Money to play? Or a surprise at Xmas? Just keep singing and playing piano. That will be a great gift to yourself! You are amazing!!!!!!! Love you
